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Tag: Promises of God

Prayer and the Purposes of God (Far From Home #8)

Prayer and the Purposes of God (Far From Home #8)

Daniel’s prayer is essentially a passionate call on God to do what He had promised to do. It seems that knowing God’s purposes, motivates Daniel to pray into those very purposes. In this post we think about the power of prayer and wrestle with how it interacts with God’s Sovereign purposes.

Restoring a Broken World (Far From Home #5)

Restoring a Broken World (Far From Home #5)

How confident are you in the glorious Promises of God which Paul says are all Yes in Christ. Isaiah 60-62 contain a huge amount of promises which are good news to the exiles, good news for us and good news for the entire world. Check out my latest instalment from my Far From Home series…

Suffering: Through the Waters (Living Water #4)

Suffering: Through the Waters (Living Water #4)

Water is often used as a picture of our suffering. God however promises to be with us despite all that life brings our way. This blog will wrestle a little with how we can trust God in the midst of these times.

Blessed to be a Blessing – Genesis 12

Blessed to be a Blessing – Genesis 12

God’s promises to Abram are pivotal to the story of the whole Bible. Through them God announced His plan to bless many generations of people and make them a blessing to all nations of the earth…

Dead in the Water – A tale of Faith & Provision

Dead in the Water – A tale of Faith & Provision

My latest blog is a tale of faith in God and experiencing His provision. Sometimes things seem to be dead in the water, but God is the God of the Impossible…

Reflecting on James (5 years on)

Reflecting on James (5 years on)

Five years ago was a day that changed many lives. Jesus called home a young man with huge potential. Yet the impact of his life lives on in the lives that he touched and continues to touch. We praise God for James!

Making sense of Faith, Hope and Love

Making sense of Faith, Hope and Love

So its been quite a while since I last posted anything here! We’ve been in Norway (4 weeks), the Lake District (8 days) and my wife Debbie recently spent some more time in the Mother & Baby Unit. Suffice to say that we are now moving into a somewhat calmer season of our year and so as life starts to find the rhythm of its new norm I thought I would post some of my thoughts from the summer. In particular I…

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Life of Jeremiah – Dealing with disappointment

Life of Jeremiah – Dealing with disappointment

I’ve been reading through Jeremiah and Lamentations over the past couple of months. Its been a fascinating and very challenging read. It has however made me very grateful that God did not ask me to be an Old Testament prophet! Parallel to my reading in Jeremiah has been another challenging period for our family. Below I detail three recent disappointments and some of the questions they raise before turning to some reflections from the life of Jeremiah… Firstly last week was quite difficult as a nasty sickness/stomach…

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Trusting the ‘God of love’

Trusting the ‘God of love’

You may remember that in “The Potters right to transform the clay” I talked about three foundational truths about God; namely that He is completely Sovereign (He always wills what is best for us), He is infinitely wise (He always knows what is best for us), and He is perfect in love (He has the power to bring it about). The premise was that the implications of experiencing suffering would hit us on one or more of these things. At such times…

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