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Tag: Life of David

Finding Strength in God at Rock Bottom

Finding Strength in God at Rock Bottom

David’s ‘rock bottom’ moment came when he and his men returned to find their city burning and their families gone. But in that moment, David manages to find strength in His God, and that changes everything!

The Huge Value of True Friendship

The Huge Value of True Friendship

Jonathan was a massive help and encouragement to David. He was a true friend and helped David find strength in God when he needed it. The loss of Jonathan was huge for David and something that perhaps he never recovered from

Dealing with a difficult relationship

Dealing with a difficult relationship

Relationships are sometimes tough. David had a particularly difficult relationship with Saul. What does it take for a man after God’s own heart to respond to such difficulties well? David response to Saul teaches us much!

The Rise and Fall of Nations: Idolatry (Nations #3)

The Rise and Fall of Nations: Idolatry (Nations #3)

God’s people were to be a ‘nation to the nations’ but they ended importing the culture of the nations around them and straying from the LORD. Because they failed to obey God and keep their side of the covenant God did exactly what He said He would and sent them into exile…

The Darkest Valley – Safe in the Shepherd’s care

The Darkest Valley – Safe in the Shepherd’s care

Continuing my exploration of valleys I am now considering the Valley of the Shadow of Death and how we need not fear because of the love, presence, care and provision of our Good Shepherd.

The valley of Elah – Finding courage for the battle

The valley of Elah – Finding courage for the battle

In the valley of Elah David fights the giant Goliath. Its a story of courage as we see how David’s relationship with God empowers and inspires him to triumph against all the odds.

The Besor Valley: Rest for the weary

The Besor Valley: Rest for the weary

As I reflect back upon this past year (2015), I would have to say that it has not been an easy year for me or for my family. There have of course been high points such as the fantastic times we had as a family in the Lake District (2 weeks at Easter) and Norway (4 weeks at summer). Its also been a year in which I have spent much time with my children and its been such fun in…

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