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Tag: Faith

Finding Strength in God at Rock Bottom

Finding Strength in God at Rock Bottom

David’s ‘rock bottom’ moment came when he and his men returned to find their city burning and their families gone. But in that moment, David manages to find strength in His God, and that changes everything!

Faith, Fear and Doubt (Breaking the Mould #8)

Faith, Fear and Doubt (Breaking the Mould #8)

Often we do not find it easy to believe in Jesus. In Matthew 8-9 we have all sorts of examples of people acting in faith, in fear and in doubt. These stories are hugely encouraging for us as we look to God to continue to work miracles in our own lives.

Faith: Getting your Feet Wet (Living Water #5)

Faith: Getting your Feet Wet (Living Water #5)

While water does often represent difficulties the flip side is that it represents opportunities to grow in our faith. That is exactly what happens when Peter steps out in faith and when Israel step out into the Red Sea

Suffering: Through the Waters (Living Water #4)

Suffering: Through the Waters (Living Water #4)

Water is often used as a picture of our suffering. God however promises to be with us despite all that life brings our way. This blog will wrestle a little with how we can trust God in the midst of these times.

Blessed to be a Blessing – Genesis 12

Blessed to be a Blessing – Genesis 12

God’s promises to Abram are pivotal to the story of the whole Bible. Through them God announced His plan to bless many generations of people and make them a blessing to all nations of the earth…

Dead in the Water – A tale of Faith & Provision

Dead in the Water – A tale of Faith & Provision

My latest blog is a tale of faith in God and experiencing His provision. Sometimes things seem to be dead in the water, but God is the God of the Impossible…

The Battle belongs to the LORD: Deborah (Judges 4-5)

The Battle belongs to the LORD: Deborah (Judges 4-5)

God is looking for people to step out and step up in faith. Deborah, Barak ad Jael are such people whom God uses to bring about a great deliverance for His people…

Living is Faith’s reality test (Building to Last #2)

Living is Faith’s reality test (Building to Last #2)

Faith is proved genuine when it stands the test of time. In order to build to last we must invest deeply in strong foundations and build with care…