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Tag: Exile

Sanctuary for the Exiles (Far From Home #7)

Sanctuary for the Exiles (Far From Home #7)

One major result of exile was separation from the temple which was the focus of worship for God’s people. During the time of exile this temple was even destroyed. Ezekiel speaks into this profoundly as we see how God remained, and still remains, a sanctuary for His people.

Finding Comfort in Exile (Far From Home #4)

Finding Comfort in Exile (Far From Home #4)

There are times when everyone needs comfort and for God’s people, exile was most definitely one of those times. Isaiah 40-55 is full of encouragement, because it is filled top to bottom with the promises of God – promises which are still being worked out in and through our lives…

Living in Exile (Far from Home #1)

Living in Exile (Far from Home #1)

Exile is a part of the Bible from start to finish. In particular, the exile of Judah to Babylon stands as a pivotal moment in the history of God’s people. In the New Testament, God’s people are once again described as exiles in the sense that this world is not our true home