Growing in Maturity (Life of Joseph #2)
The middle years of Joseph’s life are very testing (sold, betrayed, falsely accused, imprisoned). Rather than leaving him bitter these 13 challenging years were the making of Joseph
The middle years of Joseph’s life are very testing (sold, betrayed, falsely accused, imprisoned). Rather than leaving him bitter these 13 challenging years were the making of Joseph
Learning through life is critical if we are to grow in faith, hope and life. This blog begins a brief mini-series on the Life of Joseph which itself is a case study on how to build to last
I’ve always loved King David. The early and quite difficult years were vital to allowing him to ‘Build to Last’ over a lifetime….
In order to build to last it is critical to find the place where we can trust God amidst all that life brings
Faith is proved genuine when it stands the test of time. In order to build to last we must invest deeply in strong foundations and build with care…
Many buildings are being buit everyday: some last longer than others! In this blog I begin to wrestle with what will help produce strong foundations and the longevity of the building…
For 22 years we have served in Student ministry in Southampton. The ministry has looked quite different at different times but through it all we have had to walk by faith and not by sight.
In our ever-changing COVID19 world, how encouraging it is to remember that God is always true to His character, trustworthy and will not forsake us
The global crisis has led to the cancellation of many great things. We must trust that God is Sovereign, God knows what He is doing and that He is working that out through the lens of His great love for us.
Life is hard and God and His purposes are unfathomable. We trust that God in His wisdom knows what is best even when we don’t understand what He is doing.