Working from a place of rest (Higher Purpose #2)

Working from a place of rest (Higher Purpose #2)

God writes a healthy rhythm of working from a place of rest into all that he has made. In this post I wrestle with the implications of having life in and out of balance.

Paul & Lydia – Using our Resources (Inspiring Lives #6)

Paul & Lydia – Using our Resources (Inspiring Lives #6)

Lydia was a business woman from Thyatira who having encountered Jesus, immediately began to use the resources God had given her for the sake of others

Paul & Silas – Sharing our Lives (Inspiring Lives #5)

Paul & Silas – Sharing our Lives (Inspiring Lives #5)

Paul & Silas shared their lives both with each other and with those they were seeking to help. It encompassed sharing their gifts, their sufferings and their very selves.

Paul & Barnabas – The Power of Encouragement (Inspiring Lives #2)

Paul & Barnabas – The Power of Encouragement (Inspiring Lives #2)

Barnabas means son of encouragement & was a nickname given to a man called Joseph. He is an inspiring guy who saw potential in others, recognised the grace of God at work and work through disagreement

Paul & Ananias – The People God Uses (Inspiring Lives #1)

Paul & Ananias – The People God Uses (Inspiring Lives #1)

In the life of the Apostle Paul we see an extraordinary transformation from persecutor to disciple-maker. Paul shows us that God is willing to use all who are willing to follow Him.

Unfulfilled Expectations

Unfulfilled Expectations

The turning of the New Year often brings a heap of new hopes, dreams and expectations. Often however these prove to be unfulfilled and burdensome. Jesus however says that His Yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Rebuild & Restore: Post exilic Reflections

Rebuild & Restore: Post exilic Reflections

There are plenty of lessons to learn from the returning exiles who rebuilt the temple and the walls of Jerusalem amidst fierce opposition. As we emerge from the pandemic how do we too build back and engage with God in a process of spiritual restoration and renewal?