When it all goes pear shaped!

When it all goes pear shaped!

Two weeks ago we had a somewhat challenging period of about 5 days. It was challenging on a whole number of levels and was one of those times when everything felt like it was going ‘pear-shaped’. My most striking memory of pears comes from my mother who during my childhood was particular motivated to see me benefit from what she felt were the enormous health benefits of eating pears. There was no getting away from them and if I did…

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Milestones on the adventure

Milestones on the adventure

I’ve been thinking recently about dates and anniversaries. September/October time is a period in which I celebrate a number of key milestones. Here are a few key things which happened to me around this time of year. Milestone #1: Meeting my first love (24 years) My first milestone takes me back 24 years. Around this time of year 1993 (5th September to be exact) I first committed my life to following Jesus. I was 14 years old at the time…

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Lambing Time: The Sheep and their Shepherd

Lambing Time: The Sheep and their Shepherd

We can have confidence in a God who knows us and treasures each one of us, knowing our individual personalities, gifts, strengths and weaknesses, and being able to tell us apart from everything else He has created.

Faith that can move mountains

Faith that can move mountains

Following a work conference this past weekend we returned to Southampton and five minutes from home filled our car up with petrol ahead of the week ahead. I filled up the tank, paid for the petrol, headed home and thought nothing more of it to be honest. Today was our day off and we pottered around Southampton with the usual array of school drop offs and collections. However towards the end of the day there was a distinct smell of…

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Escape to the mountains

Escape to the mountains

Recently I’ve been thinking  a lot about mountains. Hardly surprising given that I have spent the past two weeks amongst the mountains at Loch Lomond and the Lake District! Mountains are hard to miss. By nature they are big and they impact everything around them. They are places people go for solace, peace, recreation and even for refuge or to hideaway. Over the past twenty years, basically ever since I met Debbie, mountains have been something of a draw for me. As a child…

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Hope: An anchor for the soul

Hope: An anchor for the soul

While hope is rooted in our expectation of the future there is also an everyday reality that impacts upon us in the here and now. Otherwise whilst we might cling with everything we have to our hope for eternity, we might at the same time feel somewhat hopeless here in the present. If Hope is primarily based upon the promises of God we must recognise that God’s promises are grounded both in the present and the future. God wants us to…

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A hope for all seasons

A hope for all seasons

Over the last couple of years the theme of ‘seasons’ has been one I (Debbie) keep coming back to in my thinking. The rhythm of life is dictated by the idea of seasons, both in the calendar sense and in terms of phases of life and activity that make up each day, week and month. The Bible is full of examples of seasons. For example, Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden for a season, before they sinned…

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Sharing Hope

Sharing Hope

During the past few years when I have reflected on hope it has often been through the lens of suffering. When times have been tough my hope in Jesus Christ has inspired me to persevere (1 Thess 1:3). From that hope has sprung the faith and love (Col 1:3-6a) to deal with all that life brings. We trust that we are now moving into a different season of life, not devoid of struggle but somewhat freer of the kind of…

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