The Darkest Valley – Safe in the Shepherd’s care

The Darkest Valley – Safe in the Shepherd’s care

Continuing my exploration of valleys I am now considering the Valley of the Shadow of Death and how we need not fear because of the love, presence, care and provision of our Good Shepherd.

Watching in Hope

Watching in Hope

In the midst of difficult times Micah is a great example of someone who find encouragement in looking to His God. He encourages us to watch in hope and wait expectantly on God. Micah still speaks powerfully to us today.

The valley of Elah – Finding courage for the battle

The valley of Elah – Finding courage for the battle

In the valley of Elah David fights the giant Goliath. Its a story of courage as we see how David’s relationship with God empowers and inspires him to triumph against all the odds.

The valley of Achor: A door of hope

The valley of Achor: A door of hope

Life in the valleys can be pretty tough at times but the valley of Achor helps us see how God can turn even the hardest times on their heads so that they become an opportunity for hope.

Reflecting on James (5 years on)

Reflecting on James (5 years on)

Five years ago was a day that changed many lives. Jesus called home a young man with huge potential. Yet the impact of his life lives on in the lives that he touched and continues to touch. We praise God for James!

Finding Hope: Opening the eyes of our hearts

Finding Hope: Opening the eyes of our hearts

Too often our concept of heaven is too small because we are too preoccupied with the present. Let’s envision eternity for what it is and allow that perspective to transform us here and now. The Unseen reality of faith is no less real than that which is seen but we need God to open the eyes of our hearts so that we can find such hope.

Holding onto Hope: Preparing for a spiritual battle

Holding onto Hope: Preparing for a spiritual battle

Living for Jesus and serving Him as we await His return is like the battlefield. The spiritual battle is intense and everything points us towards a place where we give up on hope. Yet Jesus wants us to stand firm in His strength and with the armour He provides.