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Category: Vision

Consider it Pure Joy: Tough times (Inexpressible Joy #3)

Consider it Pure Joy: Tough times (Inexpressible Joy #3)

Most of us feel like joy and suffering are in conflict. Yet time and again the New Testament encourages us to consider our trials and sufferings as pure joy. This blog looks at how joy in Christ transforms our perspective on hardship.

The River of Life (Living Water #6)

The River of Life (Living Water #6)

This final post examines Ezekiel’s vision of the river of life which will one day flow from the temple. It is the remarkable picture of how God brings life and vitality to His people

A Life of Abundant Blessing (Breaking the Mould #2)

A Life of Abundant Blessing (Breaking the Mould #2)

What does it look like to experience a life of abundant blessing? In this blog we see how Jesus’ teaching in the Beatitudes stands in stark contrast to all our answers to this question

Dead in the Water – A tale of Faith & Provision

Dead in the Water – A tale of Faith & Provision

My latest blog is a tale of faith in God and experiencing His provision. Sometimes things seem to be dead in the water, but God is the God of the Impossible…

Unfulfilled Expectations

Unfulfilled Expectations

The turning of the New Year often brings a heap of new hopes, dreams and expectations. Often however these prove to be unfulfilled and burdensome. Jesus however says that His Yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Rebuild & Restore: Post exilic Reflections

Rebuild & Restore: Post exilic Reflections

There are plenty of lessons to learn from the returning exiles who rebuilt the temple and the walls of Jerusalem amidst fierce opposition. As we emerge from the pandemic how do we too build back and engage with God in a process of spiritual restoration and renewal?

Blessing the Nations: Vision (Nations #1)

Blessing the Nations: Vision (Nations #1)

The nations have always been on God’s heart and in this post I reflect a little on the promises God made to Abraham and how we too get to play our part in that as those promises continue to be fulfilled in and through our lives

Reflections on walking with Jesus (Romans 12:12)

Reflections on walking with Jesus (Romans 12:12)

What do you do when you need some time out? Check out some reflections on what it means to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer…