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Category: Far From Home

Prayer and the Purposes of God (Far From Home #8)

Prayer and the Purposes of God (Far From Home #8)

Daniel’s prayer is essentially a passionate call on God to do what He had promised to do. It seems that knowing God’s purposes, motivates Daniel to pray into those very purposes. In this post we think about the power of prayer and wrestle with how it interacts with God’s Sovereign purposes.

Sanctuary for the Exiles (Far From Home #7)

Sanctuary for the Exiles (Far From Home #7)

One major result of exile was separation from the temple which was the focus of worship for God’s people. During the time of exile this temple was even destroyed. Ezekiel speaks into this profoundly as we see how God remained, and still remains, a sanctuary for His people.

Where is God in Exile? (Far From Home #6)

Where is God in Exile? (Far From Home #6)

The experience of exile was incredibly difficult for God’s people, but despite the highpoints under King Josiah it was hardly a surprise. Exile raised difficult questions, but it also taught some amazing lessons about how to trust God in exile.

Restoring a Broken World (Far From Home #5)

Restoring a Broken World (Far From Home #5)

How confident are you in the glorious Promises of God which Paul says are all Yes in Christ. Isaiah 60-62 contain a huge amount of promises which are good news to the exiles, good news for us and good news for the entire world. Check out my latest instalment from my Far From Home series…

Finding Comfort in Exile (Far From Home #4)

Finding Comfort in Exile (Far From Home #4)

There are times when everyone needs comfort and for God’s people, exile was most definitely one of those times. Isaiah 40-55 is full of encouragement, because it is filled top to bottom with the promises of God – promises which are still being worked out in and through our lives…

Making a Home for ourselves (Far from Home #3)

Making a Home for ourselves (Far from Home #3)

We love God’s promises in Jeremiah to give His people a future and a hope. These promises appear in the top 10 Bible verses in the world! What’s really interesting is that these promises were given to those facing 70 years of exile in Babylon. Check out my latest blog to find out more

Refusing to Compromise (Far From Home #2)

Refusing to Compromise (Far From Home #2)

Daniel & his friends are taken into exile and face a rigorous training programme designed to assimilate them into the Babylonian culture. But rather than conform, they resolve not to compromise on a raft of issues that conflict with their faith in God.

Living in Exile (Far from Home #1)

Living in Exile (Far from Home #1)

Exile is a part of the Bible from start to finish. In particular, the exile of Judah to Babylon stands as a pivotal moment in the history of God’s people. In the New Testament, God’s people are once again described as exiles in the sense that this world is not our true home