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Category: Celebration

Everlasting Joy: New Creation (Inexpressible Joy #6)

Everlasting Joy: New Creation (Inexpressible Joy #6)

What’s on your bucket list? How does the notion of having such a list sit with the what the Bible has to say about everlasting joy? Join me as I explore what the Bible teaches about joy in the New Creation and how it should impact how we live here and now.

Overflowing Joy: Contentment (Inexpressible Joy #5)

Overflowing Joy: Contentment (Inexpressible Joy #5)

We continually want more. We often find ourselves asking if only… But does having more lead to joy? The message of the New Testament is that only as we find our joy in Christ, do we find that place of deep contentment that transcends our circumstances

The Joy of our Hearts: God’s Word (Inexpressible Joy #4)

The Joy of our Hearts: God’s Word (Inexpressible Joy #4)

Its a little surprising that there are so many Biblical references linking the joy of our hearts with God’s Word. However, in a world where lies reign supreme, there is huge joy to be found in God’s truth which often runs counter to what the world has to say.

Consider it Pure Joy: Tough times (Inexpressible Joy #3)

Consider it Pure Joy: Tough times (Inexpressible Joy #3)

Most of us feel like joy and suffering are in conflict. Yet time and again the New Testament encourages us to consider our trials and sufferings as pure joy. This blog looks at how joy in Christ transforms our perspective on hardship.

The Joy of Your Salvation: Living in Grace (Inexpressible Joy #2)

The Joy of Your Salvation: Living in Grace (Inexpressible Joy #2)

There is huge Joy associated with our Salvation, but often we find ourselves feeling more joyless than joyful. The gospel is all about living under grace, but in this blog I explore 3 ways that we can be robbed of our joy through failure, legalism and licence.

No Greater Joy (Inexpressible Joy #1)

No Greater Joy (Inexpressible Joy #1)

Why is Joy so central to the Christian faith? What is it about joy for the Christian which is so distinctive. In this post we see that true joy is found not in the pleasures and treasures of this world, but in the person of Jesus Christ.

Remembering Edvin

Remembering Edvin

Reflections on the life of Edvin Bolstad who passed away last week aged 81. He was a dear friend, mentor, encourager and brother in Christ. We will miss him greatly and are are so grateful for all he poured into us.

Reflecting on James (5 years on)

Reflecting on James (5 years on)

Five years ago was a day that changed many lives. Jesus called home a young man with huge potential. Yet the impact of his life lives on in the lives that he touched and continues to touch. We praise God for James!