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Category: Bible Characters

The Valley of Dry Bones – Hope out of Hopelessness

The Valley of Dry Bones – Hope out of Hopelessness

The Valley of Dry Bones encourages us that even amidst such dry and lifeless scenes there is always hope. The Spirit of God is able to bring hope in our hopelessness…

The Darkest Valley – Safe in the Shepherd’s care

The Darkest Valley – Safe in the Shepherd’s care

Continuing my exploration of valleys I am now considering the Valley of the Shadow of Death and how we need not fear because of the love, presence, care and provision of our Good Shepherd.

The valley of Elah – Finding courage for the battle

The valley of Elah – Finding courage for the battle

In the valley of Elah David fights the giant Goliath. Its a story of courage as we see how David’s relationship with God empowers and inspires him to triumph against all the odds.

Reflecting on James (5 years on)

Reflecting on James (5 years on)

Five years ago was a day that changed many lives. Jesus called home a young man with huge potential. Yet the impact of his life lives on in the lives that he touched and continues to touch. We praise God for James!

Lambing Time: The Sheep and their Shepherd

Lambing Time: The Sheep and their Shepherd

We can have confidence in a God who knows us and treasures each one of us, knowing our individual personalities, gifts, strengths and weaknesses, and being able to tell us apart from everything else He has created.

The Besor Valley: Rest for the weary

The Besor Valley: Rest for the weary

As I reflect back upon this past year (2015), I would have to say that it has not been an easy year for me or for my family. There have of course been high points such as the fantastic times we had as a family in the Lake District (2 weeks at Easter) and Norway (4 weeks at summer). Its also been a year in which I have spent much time with my children and its been such fun in…

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Life of Peter: Hope when we mess up

Life of Peter: Hope when we mess up

The life of Peter is an inspiring story of how God uses us despite our failures. Peter, so adamant that he would not betray Jesus ends up doing exactly that. Yet unlike Judas his failure is subsequently turned on its head as hope wins through. Jesus restores him, commissions him and then we read in first Peter how he had experienced this living hope. I have always really appreciated the life of Peter. Perhaps that is because I can identify with his…

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