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Author: Steve McClure

Knowing your Identity changes everything

Knowing your Identity changes everything

We love to talk about Identity because it has a huge impact on how we see ourselves and how we relate to the world around us. Ultimately we long for love, acceptance, significance and security. The question is where do we find satisfying answers to these needs

God of the Valleys: Hope for Life’s toughest moments

God of the Valleys: Hope for Life’s toughest moments

Valleys in the Bible are a great example of times of both difficulty and opportunity. In this blog we see that even in the valley God is still God, God is still at work and God is still with us…

Grieving with Hope: A tribute to Thompy Wright

Grieving with Hope: A tribute to Thompy Wright

The hope we have in Jesus transforms our grieving. As we begin to come to terms with the shock of the sudden loss of a friend, colleague and mentor we remember that he is now with Jesus which is better by far…

The Valley of Baka – A place of Springs

The Valley of Baka – A place of Springs

The Valley of Baka as described in Psalm 84 represents a challenging period of our journey. There is however a promise here that as we rest in the presence of God we will find refreshing springs to help us on our way.

The Valley of Dry Bones – Hope out of Hopelessness

The Valley of Dry Bones – Hope out of Hopelessness

The Valley of Dry Bones encourages us that even amidst such dry and lifeless scenes there is always hope. The Spirit of God is able to bring hope in our hopelessness…

The Darkest Valley – Safe in the Shepherd’s care

The Darkest Valley – Safe in the Shepherd’s care

Continuing my exploration of valleys I am now considering the Valley of the Shadow of Death and how we need not fear because of the love, presence, care and provision of our Good Shepherd.

Watching in Hope

Watching in Hope

In the midst of difficult times Micah is a great example of someone who find encouragement in looking to His God. He encourages us to watch in hope and wait expectantly on God. Micah still speaks powerfully to us today.

The valley of Elah – Finding courage for the battle

The valley of Elah – Finding courage for the battle

In the valley of Elah David fights the giant Goliath. Its a story of courage as we see how David’s relationship with God empowers and inspires him to triumph against all the odds.