Immeasurable – God is Love
The global crisis has led to the cancellation of many great things. We must trust that God is Sovereign, God knows what He is doing and that He is working that out through the lens of His great love for us.
The global crisis has led to the cancellation of many great things. We must trust that God is Sovereign, God knows what He is doing and that He is working that out through the lens of His great love for us.
Life is hard and God and His purposes are unfathomable. We trust that God in His wisdom knows what is best even when we don’t understand what He is doing.
At a time where there huge panic & anxiety about our world (e.g. Brexit, Coronavirus & recession) we must keep in perspective that God is still on His Throne…
To whom will we compare God? The Bible describes God as Incomparable and says that he jealously seeks the deserved worship of those He has made.
God is simply indescribable and yet what we know about Him helps us grapple with what He is like and spurs us on to respond in worship.
These past few weeks have been significant for us in the UK. The Conservative Government returned a big majority in the recent General Election on the promise of a glorious new beginning for Britain outside of the European Union. We have (and still are) hearing about all that the new Government is going to do in order to make Brexit a success and to get our economy ready for a post-Brexit world. In this regard the Prime Minister is setting…
We love to talk about Identity because it has a huge impact on how we see ourselves and how we relate to the world around us. Ultimately we long for love, acceptance, significance and security. The question is where do we find satisfying answers to these needs
Valleys in the Bible are a great example of times of both difficulty and opportunity. In this blog we see that even in the valley God is still God, God is still at work and God is still with us…
The hope we have in Jesus transforms our grieving. As we begin to come to terms with the shock of the sudden loss of a friend, colleague and mentor we remember that he is now with Jesus which is better by far…
Fear freezes out faith. The valley of Eshkol helps us to think about we can move from a place of fear to a place of trusting God in faith…