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Author: Steve McClure

An Invitation to the Thirsty (Living Water #1)

An Invitation to the Thirsty (Living Water #1)

All of us share a thirst that only Jesus can quench. He invites us to come and drink of living water – water that will in turn overflow from us into the lives of others

Above All Else (Breaking the Mould #5)

Above All Else (Breaking the Mould #5)

What do we place above all else? What would we say is the thing we most treasure, most look to and most serve? Jesus continues to break the mould as He answers these very questions with life-changing answers

Renovation of the Heart (Breaking the Mould #4)

Renovation of the Heart (Breaking the Mould #4)

NEW BLOG: Jesus continued to break the mould by challenging the practice and understanding of His day. Rather than adherence to rules Jesus wants to renovate our hearts!

Living Distinctively (Breaking the Mould #3)

Living Distinctively (Breaking the Mould #3)

Jesus continues to #Breakthemould as He says that we are salt and light: not so much about something to do, but something we are. This blog explores some of the implications of these ground-breaking words…

A Life of Abundant Blessing (Breaking the Mould #2)

A Life of Abundant Blessing (Breaking the Mould #2)

What does it look like to experience a life of abundant blessing? In this blog we see how Jesus’ teaching in the Beatitudes stands in stark contrast to all our answers to this question

Brave Enough to Follow (Breaking the Mould #1)

Brave Enough to Follow (Breaking the Mould #1)

Are we brave enough to take up Jesus’ call to follow? In this latest blog we take a close look at Jesus’ to His disciples to come and see, follow and step out…

Experiencing God amidst our Waiting and Disappointment

Experiencing God amidst our Waiting and Disappointment

Where is God in our Waiting? Amidst seasons of uncertainty our waiting is often a huge challenge in lots of areas. Waiting often leads to disappointment and we must respond with Faith and Hope

Blessed to be a Blessing – Genesis 12

Blessed to be a Blessing – Genesis 12

God’s promises to Abram are pivotal to the story of the whole Bible. Through them God announced His plan to bless many generations of people and make them a blessing to all nations of the earth…

Dead in the Water – A tale of Faith & Provision

Dead in the Water – A tale of Faith & Provision

My latest blog is a tale of faith in God and experiencing His provision. Sometimes things seem to be dead in the water, but God is the God of the Impossible…

The Battle belongs to the LORD: Deborah (Judges 4-5)

The Battle belongs to the LORD: Deborah (Judges 4-5)

God is looking for people to step out and step up in faith. Deborah, Barak ad Jael are such people whom God uses to bring about a great deliverance for His people…