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Month: May 2024

Sanctuary for the Exiles (Far From Home #7)

Sanctuary for the Exiles (Far From Home #7)

One major result of exile was separation from the temple which was the focus of worship for God’s people. During the time of exile this temple was even destroyed. Ezekiel speaks into this profoundly as we see how God remained, and still remains, a sanctuary for His people.

Overflowing Joy: Contentment (Inexpressible Joy #5)

Overflowing Joy: Contentment (Inexpressible Joy #5)

We continually want more. We often find ourselves asking if only… But does having more lead to joy? The message of the New Testament is that only as we find our joy in Christ, do we find that place of deep contentment that transcends our circumstances

The Joy of our Hearts: God’s Word (Inexpressible Joy #4)

The Joy of our Hearts: God’s Word (Inexpressible Joy #4)

Its a little surprising that there are so many Biblical references linking the joy of our hearts with God’s Word. However, in a world where lies reign supreme, there is huge joy to be found in God’s truth which often runs counter to what the world has to say.